Memories of Super Kevin Campbell

I was absolutely gutted when I heard the sad news that Super Kevin Campbell had passed away.

Back in 1988, aged 16, I worked on a building site in Harlow. The site manager (Mr Hillier) quickly knew I was Arsenal and would always pull me over to tell me how his son David was going in our youth teams.

Every match I would buy a programme and soon read of the tons of goals Super Kev was scoring at that level.

David was captain of the side that won the FA Youth cup in 1988, with Super Kev scoring a hatrick in the 1st of the 2 legged final.

David and Super Kev ended up playing together for the first team and I was proud to on the Clock End and at away games watching them both.

Kev was a good old-fashioned bruising Centre forward with legs like tree trunks and not a bit of fat on him.

He had that South London attitude, merged with a love for The Arsenal. He never once let us down, and left it all on the pitch.

Through my social media stuff, I have ended up mates with David Hillier and been lucky enough to have had a good few chats with Super Kev, both privately and on Podcasts.

He was always positive, happy, gracious and humble. He was a double nice bloke!

Kev even used my shop now and then, never once mentioning it first, never hinting or wanting a discount or a freebie. 

Super Kev was loved everywhere he went. We have lost a good one here…

Prayers to his family and friends.


1 thought on “Memories of Super Kevin Campbell

  1. Pingback: Super Kevin Campbell, 1970 – 2024 «

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