Bukayo Saka, The Red Cartel and More…

Bukayo Saka

The Bukayo Saka story keeps rolling on. There was some interesting discussions on the SheWore Facebook page following yesterdays blog.

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Red Cartel

Everton fans continue to be the biggest moaners in the Premier League.

When they were hit with their initial charges, they blamed the Premier League and labelled the so called Big 6 “The Cartel Clubs”.

Instead of blaming their owners for putting their club on the brink of financial ruin, they blamed Arsenal, Manchester United, Man City, Chelsea and Spurs for “creating” the Profit and Sustainability Rules that they believed stopped punished their club from being “ambitious” and spending.

They obviously ignored that these rules were not implemented by the Big 6, but were voted in by the Premier League clubs, which all 20 have an equal say in. Everton voted in the rules.

Everton’s net debt increased to roughly £330m at the end of June 2023 up from £141m a year earlier. And that does not include the £200m they owe 777 Partnerships. I think it is clear that it is not PSR that is stopping them spending.

What I have found interesting is the terminology used by Evertonians hs moved on from The Cartel, or Cartel 6, to the Red Cartel.

They now blame just Arsenal, Man U and Liverpool for the situation they are in.

Manchester City are no longer the target of their anger due to them taking legal action against new proposed financial rules (that Everton voted for), whilst Chelsea being on the list of clubs sailing close to the wind of breaching PSR is enough for them to have the Scoursers support.

Tottenham have also dropped out of the Cartel purely because they are owned by a tax-evading inside trader and no an American.

Arsenal, Man U and Liverpool all have American owners, all wear red, and are the 3 most successful clubs in English football history. To call them the Red Cartel is laughable and just shows Evertonians inability to accept their club is responsible for their finances and will be the reason when they eventually go into administration.

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1 thought on “Bukayo Saka, The Red Cartel and More…

  1. Positive Pete

    Must just be a scouser thing.Always moaning,never their fault,world owes them a living,permanent injustice against them,looking for handouts.Ducking & diving.You name it.

    The ‘ Red cartel’ phrase now similarly bandied about by none other than the poorest club in the world.Their angle being that we’re envious re their Nouveau Riche clubs( Chuck the chavs & barcodes in).

    Want to be able to spend whatever is their wish.Until someone richer comes along,of course!



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